*COMING SOON* Premier Marvel electric mandolin

*COMING SOON* Premier Marvel electric mandolin
*COMING SOON* This rarely-seen cutie is a real treat. It’s a local kid and the component parts touch on most of parent company Premier (Peter Sorkin Music Co) properties: it’s labeled Marvel, with an excellent quality Stradolin body, and a DeArmond pickup. It’s one classy mother. It retains its original pickguard, knobs, bridge, and tailpiece. The tuners (original tuners included), nut, and fingerboard have been replaced and a thin maple ramp added under the fingerboard to hoik the strings up over the pickup. Now the action is nice & low - it plays great and sounds incredible. The pickup (also used on some Premier archtops, also highly recommendable) is really something. It’s neither gritty nor raunchy, it is responsive, three-dimensional, and as unabashedly pretty as a mandolin can get. It’s just a special individual.